As you wake up this morning and check your phones, you will see that it is 1 October. This date means a lot to many. We all have a story to share, a hug to give, and a tear to wipe. We all want to share where we were when. In the two years that have passed since this tragedy, Vegas has found resolve and come together in ways no one could have imagined. We would like to challenge the women and their families to do one kind thing today, on 1 October. We have a great leader to look up to already. Our very own #5, Deryk Engelland, has shown us what kindness amongst strangers is all about. He paved the way and lead other team members in helping our city to heal.
Find an act of kindness to pass on to another today. Take a deep breath, reflect, and take a moment out of your day today to #belikederyk.