With Easter only a few days away, I have been trying to think of ways to make this one extra special. One thing that has been a tradition in our house since my oldest son was little is SCAVENGER HUNTS!! Our scavenger hunt ends with a gift or Easter basket. This year I thought it would be fun to add a hockey themed twist to it. With most of us having some extra time on our hands to execute such a thing, now is the perfect time.
You can prepare this hunt inside your house, or outside. I decided to have our Scavenger Hunt take place outside. I staged different VGK/hockey themed areas, each with a hidden Easter egg. In each Easter egg there will be a message/clue that will take you to the next egg. The last egg will have the final location, or explain how to find their basket/gift. You can use this as an example and adjust what works for you.
Tip: you might find it easier to number your eggs as you place the messages in each one.
Egg #1: Ready for some slap shots? Grab your hockey stick. (First egg with clue #1 in it, give to your child.)
Egg #2: Make sure it’s your practice ball you grab, not a surprise. (Second egg with clue #2 in it, hide by your child’s hockey sticks.)

Egg #3: If it was Fleury, could you still score a five hole? (Third egg with clue #3 in it, hide with the practice balls/ pucks.)

Egg #4: Decked out in their VGK gear, your fans are ready to cheer! (Fourth egg with clue #4 in it, hide by/on hockey goal.)

Egg #5: He’s not a dinosaur, he’s not a gecko, he’s a GILA MONSTER. (Fifth egg with clue #5 in it, hide with the stuffed animal fans.)

Egg #6: True VGK fans know this unique tradition, long necked and pink. (Sixth egg with clue #6 in it, hide with a stuffed animal/ bobblehead/ picture of Chance.)

Egg #7: We all know where to go when there is a shut out! (Seventh egg with clue #7 in it, hide with a pink flamingo.)

Egg #8: Repping our favorite players jersey, ready to watch our VGK! (Eighth egg with clue #8 in it, with something Krispy Kreme or donut related.)

Egg #9: Let overtime begin! Have a face off to get your “Stanley Cup”. (Ninth egg with clue #9 in it, hide where you watch your VGK games from home.)

We love incorporating our Vegas Golden Knights and Easter. We know your kids will have a blast searching for the next egg. They might even forget they are on a scavenger hunt and want to practice their hockey skills instead. Happy Easter!