Gameday can be a fun family day, but it’s hard to plan what to pack and what to leave at home. We have compiled helpful tips from VGK fan moms and dads to help ensure everyone has an AMAZING hockey game experience.
Outfit– T-Mobile is not the coldest ice arena. It is often quite comfortable. Dress your tot in layers so that if they are too warm, you can take a layer off. Make sure they sport some VGK love with colors, patches attached, hats, etc.
Hearing Protection- Protecting their ears from all of the noise the intense fanfare can bring is important. These headphones come recommended and are at a decent price.
Baby Supplies- We know that with kids there comes a lot of stuff; we can’t bring in everything we own. We’ve come up with the most important items here: Diaper bags, plastic baby bottle, and formula (if the bag is too large, you may be asked to check the bag into Guest Services on the main floor) a small changing pad (not all bathrooms have a changing table) anti-bac wipes, socks or little mittens for hands, and a baby carrier. Strollers are not the best idea. We advise having something you can slide your little knight into so that your hands are free for doing your VGK cheers, eating, drinking, etc.
Bringing In the “Bigs”
For children older than 2, they get hungry, thirsty, have to use the bathroom, and can become antsy. We hope this next round of information is equally as helpful to you.
Make a nice little toolkit and have it bagged up to bring in. Items we recommend are:
- Dasani water bottle lids-when they hand you water it is without the lid. Kids spill things, so help keep a “lid” on it by bringing your own.
- A plastic baggie for your game poster. This way it will stay moisture and food free from little active hands.
- Ear Protection is still important, even for those older kids.
- Dress in layers. Depending on how active they are during the game, they may get hot. It’s better to be prepared to prevent any meltdowns over them being too hot or cold.
- Outside food-it is not permitted but we have heard for some families, they have been able to bring in a small bag with toddler type snacks for their children. It’s a risk but could be a possibility.
Sensory Inclusive Kits for Children With Autism
There are sensory bags available for check out from Guest Services at no cost to families. Thanks to the organization KultureCity and Imagine Dragons, these bags are available so that all families can enjoy a game together. Parents can download the app KultureCity to learn more about T-Mobile Arena’s sensory inclusive features.

We hope these tips help you enjoy a family day inside T-Mobile Arena with your children. Stay tuned, we will be highlighting more helpful tips on the arena in coming articles.