Saturday’s home game against Detroit held a special place in a VGK’s cast member’s heart. This character is known by both sight and sound. When you hear the clink of the sword against the shield or when you see him donning his shiny, gold suit of armor, you know it’s our Golden Knight. Not everyone knows his name or his story. As a member of the Las Vegas community, Lee rallies the crowd at games and instills a sense of pride for our team while in our community. When not yielding his sword, Lee spins the ol’ records as a DJ.

During Saturday’s game, Lee paid tribute to his father, who passed away in 2016. Below is Lee’s thoughts as shared on social media the day before the game:
“Tomorrow’s game is a tough one for me personally. My father was a huge hockey fan, his NHL team was Detroit Red Wings. Ronnie O passed away July 2016, it tears me apart that he never got to experience a VGK game. My Grandmother sent me his beloved Red Wings jersey before she passed away last year. Tomorrow, I will drape his Detroit jersey over my personal season ticket seats; he will get to watch his Redwings versus the mighty VGK and of course, his son in action. He will be sitting with Mandy in spirit.
Please feel free to pass by my seats and tell Ron to enjoy the game. It would have meant the world to him. Section 223 row F seat 2.
At the end of the pre game intro, I’ll also take a bow to him in his honor.
Go Redwings. Go Knights. Go Dad.” Lee O.

Thank you Lee for sharing this part of your life with us. When loss occurs, there is often a seat left empty that’s hard to fill. Saturday Knight, it seemed we all knew your dad’s seat was taken. WE think you have done a beautiful job of filling it!
We leave you with these words:
“Be the things you loved most about the people who are gone.” author unknown